projects > ENVIRONMENT

Preliminary Environmental Impact Study of the Algarve The Style Outlet Project

Faro , Portugal



This Preliminary Environmental Impact Study (PEIS) referring to the Algarve The Style Outlet project was aimed at the application for exemption of the Environmental Impact Assessment procedure, and provides for the construction of a commercial surface area of about 2.3 ha (gross area construction), on land classified as Operation and Management Planning Unit (UoPG) Zone land for commercial purposes of Guilhim, to the regulation of the Master Plan (PDM) level.


• The PEIS followed throughout the development phase of the Project development, having been given all the necessary support to the tenderer.


• Studies focused on the Climate, Geology and Geomorphology, Water Resources, Land Use and its articulation with the Planning, Land, Air Quality, Sound Environment, Socio-Economics and landscape, so it was possible to identify the main impacts (positive or negative), resulting from the implementation of the project.

• Some mitigation measures, particularly in terms of good environmental practices have been proposed.

• In addition, it was further supplied to a Study of Noise licensing support design.

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