projects > ENVIRONMENT

Environmental Impact Study of Allotment Interest " DOURO/CARRAPATELO”

Baixo Sabor -Portugal

EDP Imobiliária e Participações, S.A.


The Allotment " DOURO/CARRAPATELO" will be located in the municipality of Marco de Canaveses on the right bank of the Douro River, near the dam Carrapatelo. It is expected the following occupation: a hotel / apartment hotel with 60 rooms, 50 apartments T0, Spa, swimming pool and tennis court; 172 single family homes for a 2nd home (holiday villages); 22 apartments housing and permanent area for the trade, green spaces and two areas for new equipment and also the maintenance and extension of existing school equipment.

In terms of hospitality, will have accommodation capacity for 150 people and in terms of housing total accommodation capacity for 600 people.


• The EIA followed the development phase of the Preliminary Study and reflected the definitional elements of the project;


• Thus, environmental support was given to the tenderer (EDP Valor) and the designer in the development of the Preliminary Study, warning of potentially critical issues to resolve with project design, alongside support for obtaining a conditional Favorable Decision by the Environment Ministry;

• The EIA addressed the following environmental indicators: climate, geology and geomorphology, surface water resources, groundwater resources, flora and fauna, current land use, land use, soils and ability to land use, air quality, noise environment, socioeconomics, landscape and heritage.

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